Thursday, January 16, 2014

Trip to the Moon

I think, if I were around on the first screening of this film, I would be so amazed and curious. I mean, in this period, I think I wouldn't ever imagine that a human can go out to space, to the moon, which is so far away, and live there. The idea would be so brand new to me. I maybe wouldn't even think that it's imaginable. It's so literally out of this world. It's like, is that even possible? I think, I would be as curious as they are, as to what is the moon like up close. How does it look like? What kind of things or beings, if ever, can be found there? Is it just like the earth? If not, how much different would it be? And is it possible for the humans to live there at all?

Palaroan, Graciel M.

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