Friday, March 7, 2014

Bride of Frankenstein

1. Morality and Science were again tackled in both film and book. Since life is not something to be played with, Frankenstein lets Science and Morality meet. Born from the dead, an artificial life is created in the story. The creation was deemed a monster, something that was made out of science, and something that crosses the line of morality. It was something that should not have been born because it is wrong. This is what the entirety of the story is about. Despite the developing humanity in the monster, it is because of its awkward position as an artificial life that it reverts to being a monstrosity.

2. I think that the reason why the monster was made dumb was to depict the imperfections of being created by science. A very bold risk in making a living being, a result of something perfect is proven as something beyond the reach of mere human beings.

Denz Joseph R. Borrero

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